Monday, 25 January 2010

Design for Tate modern

On the 19th of January I had to again team up in another group with different people in our class and come up with a innovative design that could be sold in the art gallery, but first we had to create a persona as well as invent an imaginative character and revolved it around our invented design. Eventually we came up with and idea and pitched it to the class, but our peers disapproved greatly with it because it did not make sense and was not interesting. So I came up with an idea by myself which for the imaginary character was a art student aged 23 who listens to classical music from Bulgaria comes to England to visit the Tate galleries all over England but whilst visiting galleries he often gets lost and has difficulties reading maps so I came up with a ball In a maze type of game where there is a silver ball in a maze, layout would be identical to the specific gallery and you have to get it from top floor to bottom floor.

Dead on Arrival

The worst game I have ever played was a dreadful game called Oni. The game is about a futuristic cop in year 2032 the world becomes a dystopia find out that the secret police she works for are hiding deep secrets from her so she turns against them and goes on a quest of self discovery she also learns about her families past, The things I didn’t’like about the game was the weapons and the control configurations were atrocious, the thing that annoyed me the most was the ending which I found too short, but the things I like about the game were the anime style cut scenes. The things I felt were missed out was the with the enemies interaction with the main character because the enemies attack moves were repetitive and can get the player bored of the game quick. The things I would do to improve on it is to make the weapons perform a bit better than how it originally is the stage design was creative but not that appealing so I would improve on that some more. I was mostly disappointed in the fact that the game was created by Rockstar, the same company who made games like state of emergency and grand theft auto, which are fun games to play.

Monday, 18 January 2010

Become A Tester

Call Of Duty: Modern Warfare is a personal favourite of mine because of the theme and storyline of the game, the game is about the western military like the British S.A.S and the American Marines trying to capture terrorists in the middle east in order to prevent the terrorist group to take control of the middle east. You start off in the S.A.S training ground in England then a sign appears on top of the screen telling you to walk to the handgun and collect it by holding the X button. At that moment I felt as though I was in the S.A.S Regiment and was in the same shoes as the controlled character, when I was target practicing with the gun I picked up the other character was coaching me and giving me tips on how to shoot the pop-up targets and switch between target quickly. My favourite part of the game is when you play as a marine solider called Sgt Paul Jackson and you need to go with your troops to rescue some other Marine soldiers and a defend a damaged Tank which is surrounded by loads of terrorists called Op For the highlights of that stage is that you use can use a night vision goggle which when worn the screen creates the feeling as if the player is wearing the goggles because there are certain parts of that stage that is very dark and enemies are lurking in those dark rooms, another exciting feature is the Javelin in which you will need to use for shooting patrolling tanks. My behaviours I have when playing this game is a mixture of excitement from the various gun battles in the game and keen interest in the 3D Design used in the game and character design in the game.